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Contact Us

Please click here for online class dates.
For questions please call 206-546-1120 or email us at and we will respond as soon as we can.

15235 Aurora Ave N, #101, Shoreline WA 98133

Please email us or come in the office Mon-Thur 10:30-2:30

Email Address:



15235 Aurora Ave N, #101

Shoreline WA 98133

Current Office Hours:
Monday – Thursday
10:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Holiday Office Closures:

We will be closed New Year’s Day (1/1), Memorial Day (5/27), July 4 & 5, Labor Day (9/2), Thanksgiving Day (11/28) and Nov 29th and Christmas Day and Dec 24 & 26th.

Phone Hours:
Monday – Thursday
9:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Click Here for Class Schedule


Take the 175th Street Exit of I-5. Head west on 175th Street.

                   Turn left on Aurora Ave.  Turn right into Shoreline Square

                   We are located on the ground floor, north side of the building

                   Bus: Aurora E-Line.


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